竹製品の歴史は古く、 縄 文時代にさかのぼるといわれています。京都の竹工芸品は平安時代(8 末~12 世紀)にはじまったもので、茶道具や華道用具そして室内装飾品など幅広い用途に用いられています。いずれも茶の湯文化と深い関わりをもち、桃山時代以降、技術的に、また産業としても大きな発展を遂げました。京都の竹工芸品の特色は、恵まれた京都の気候風土に育まれた良質の竹材を用いて、竹そのものの持ち味を十分に生かす高い技術にあります。
The history of bamboo crafts is said to date to the prehistoric Jomon Period, and bamboo crafts have been made in Kyoto since the Heian Period(8th-12th centuries) for the tea ceremony, flower arranging, interior decoration, and other purposes. Used extensively in the tea ceremony, bamboo crafts have developed both technically and as an industry since the Momoyama Period(16th century). Kyoto’s bamboo crafts are characterized by fully utilizing the inherent qualities and texture of the high quality bamboo grown in Kyoto’s excellent climate.
Bamboo items and bamboo blinds. Refreshing to the eyes, simple in their elegance. An essential part of Japanese spaces.