

香りによってその場の雰囲気をつくる香の文化は、1,300 年ほど前に中国から伝わりました。貴族の間で流行し、室町時代(14~16 世紀)には茶道に取り上げられて、やがて香道として完成されました。仏教、茶道の中心地であった京都では早くから薫香の生産が行われ、現在では寺院各本山で使われる 焼 香や線香、また宮廷文化から発展した匂い袋や練香など様々な製品がつくられています。日常生活に潤いをもたせる香りの文化は、海外からも注目されています。

The tradition of “Kunko” or incense, which creates a special ambiance with its fragrance, was introduced to Japan from China as far back as 1,300 years ago. “Kunko” quickly became popular among Japan’s nobility, and in the Muromachi Period(14th-16th centuries) it was incorporated into the Japanese tea ceremony, culminating with introduction of the “Kodo” , or incense ceremony. As the nation’s center for both Buddhism and the tea ceremony, Kyoto soon became a leading producer of “Kunko”. Today, the many applications of incense range from powders and sticks burned at Buddhist temples to sachets and pastilles sold to general consumers. This fragrant tradition has recently begun attracting attention outside Japan.



Why not enjoy a sophisticated Japanese fragrance?
-A fresh proposal by a long-standing incense store in Kyoto.
